
Course: NASA Mars Rover Building Kit

  • 9-12 grade
  • Advanced

Lesson Description:

This section of the repository details how to get all the software that is necessary for driving the rover up and running. See the project's main roadmap for information on when you should be creating your software and how to integrate it with the rest of the rover.

You will find everything you need here : https://github.com/nasa-jpl/open-source-rover/tree/master/Software 

image description

Lesson Modules

Teaching Tips:

Here's the link to the Latex doc files: https://github.com/nasa-jpl/open-source-rover/tree/master/Software/Latex%20Docs

Teaching Tips:

Here's the link for the android-app files : https://github.com/nasa-jpl/osr-android-app/tree/f701e1e021179297c56927169ce40a287d989ac1