
Course: CTE IT with Dobot
Lesson 6: In-progress Project

  • 9-12 grade
  • Intermediate

Lesson Description:

Pick up a project started by another programmer and build on top of it , to learn modular programming as if you were in a software company.

image description

Lesson Modules

Teaching Tips:

Observe Module Overview

  • Teacher will grab student’s attention by asking them to look at some images and think of what is happening.

Lesson Overview

  1. Ensure the Dobot firmware and software is updated to the latest version. This will reduce troubleshooting.
  2. This lesson can be done individually or in groups. Depending on size of class or number of robots. If several students per robot, you might want to assign them separate responsibilities for full engagement.
  3. This lesson can take between 1 to 2 class periods depending on coding knowledge of students with Blockly ,Script, and Dobot in general.
  4. This lesson and skills are considered medium consisting of much of the previous learned material. This project requires troubleshooting hardware and software to get it working properly as stated in the scenario.
  5. Having students start in the Power ON homing position is recommended, so that every student or group has their Dobot(s) start from the same spot.
  6. Remind students that in this project they are to use and troubleshoot all previous knowledge such as variables, functions, loops, and lists.
  7. When programming reminds students about turning on and off suction cup. They may use the suction cup for the added 2nd robot, but the 1st robot must have a gripper attachment.
  1. The code included already contains the scenario issues stated, but it is complete. So, in other words, if you were to start the code once you assemble the hardware the process will not work correctly. The students need to do some debugging.
  2. No key terms required in this lesson as the lesson itself will teach them much and require time.

Materials Needed:

This is the unfinished code that students will need to complete.

Here is a lesson plan for your records.

Optional Materials:

No optional materials for this lesson.

Teaching Tips:

Explore Module Overview


  • Students discover the life process and skills needed to finish an In-progress project .
  • Students will practice troubleshooting hardware and software to work properly
  • Students learn problem solving using code and robots
  • Students will learn to test the code and trouble shoot

The teacher will check for understanding by asking questions.


  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What other improvements or changes can I make?
  • How can I modify the code

Higher order thinking question

  • What other sort of problem can I fix?

Teaching Tips:

Prototype Module Overview

Each group or individual is to program Dobot with the following guidelines:

  • Dobot project must function properly as shown on video
  • A 2nd Dobot must be added and create a fully automated system


This is what the system should be doing properly, without your added robot:


Issues you need to solve

  • The photoelectric sensor doesn’t seem to be stopping the conveyor belt. The belt just keeps going.
  • When it does work, the belt stops to soon for the robot to grab the cubes.
  • The color sensor doesn’t seem to be identifying one of the colors correctly.
  • The red colored cube stack placement seems to incorrect.
  • Last, when it does stack some cubes, the red and blue cubes, the rotation alignment is off.

Teaching Tips:

  1. Did Dobot do anything unexpected while you were testing?

  2. Where in the code did you find some of the mistakes?

  3. What did you find to be the most challenging part of the project?

  4. What new things did you learn during the project?

    1. answers will vary

Did Dobot do anything unexpected while you were testing?

Where in the code did you find some of the mistakes?

What did you find to be the most challenging part of the project?

What new things did you learn during the project?