Graphical and Python Programming with NAO - Walk it Out
The students will be introduced to the coordinate system through a human Cartesian coordinate plane in order to make the...
9-12 grade
Computer Science
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NASA Mars Rover Building Kit
Graphical and Python programming...
Storytelling with NAO
Storytelling with Pepper
Motion and Math
Game Design
Introduction to Programming with...
Scratch with Autonomous Car
Introduction to Programming with...
CTE Manufacturing with Dobot
Introduction to Computational th...
Introduction to Dobot
Intro to Computer thinking with ...
Engineering Design with 3D printing
Programming with CoDrone Lite
CTE STEM with Dobot
Engineering Design with LittleBi...
Visual Programming( VPL) with Au...
Physics with Autonomous Cars
High School Math with NAO
CTE IT with Dobot
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