
Course: Scratch with Autonomous Car
6: Heat Detection

  • 1-5 grade
  • Beginner

Lesson Description:

In this lesson, students will learn basic concepts in Computer Science: 
    1    Heat sensors
    2    LED displays
To illustrate these concepts we will design automatic temperature detection for the RobotLAB Autonomous Car!

Apply programming concepts to sense the heat of the car and display it using the LED screen!


Standards Covered


Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.


Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.


Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.


Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.


Reason abstractly and quantitatively.


Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.


Model with mathematics.


Use appropriate tools strategically.


Attend to precision.


Look for and make use of structure.


Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

image description

Lesson Modules

Teaching Tips:

Question 1: What is heat?  
This question is answered in the next module.  If time permits, discuss answers with students.

Question 2: How can you measure heat?
You can measure heat with a tool like a thermometer.  This question can also be answered with UNITS of measurement like Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Question 3: Why is it important to know the temperature inside a car?
The safety of the people inside.
​The safety of the car.
To see if there's a fire.
To make sure part of the car isn't overheating. 

Temperature pervades every aspect of our lives.  The temperature outside determines where we can live and how we should dress.  Your body has a normal temperature (usually around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).  It will stay this temperature as long as you are healthy.  If you get sick, your body will raise your temperature to kill the virus.  That is called a fever.

If you've had a fever before, you know that it isn't very fun.  Your body becomes hot and uncomfortable, and you may feel tired and sore.  When you have a fever your body can't run very fast or lift heavy things because its spending all its energy on making you well again.

The RobotLAB Autonomous car works best at a healthy temperature too.  That's why it has a sensor to measure its temperature.  

Discuss these questions with your group and answer the questions. 

What is heat? Type your answer only with ONE word.

How can you measure heat? Type your answer only with one word.

Why is it important to know the temperature inside a car?

Teaching Tips:

Students will likely submit answers that make sense but may damage the car.  Things like ice packs should not be placed on the car to avoid contact with water.

What are some ways we can change the temperature of your autonomous car to lower the heat? Type your answer only with one word.

How about to raise the heat? Type your answer only with one word.

Teaching Tips:

Here is the code: Lesson 6 Code

Here is a Step-by-Step guide to complete the code: Lesson 6 Code Instructions

The correct answer is pictured here for teachers:

By the end of this section, students should have this much done:

Open your code from the last lesson:

The code you write for this lesson will be very similar.  

Think about what you need to do to make your code work: 

  1. Measure the heat of the car
  2. Save it as a variable
  3. Show whether the car is too hot or OK


Here are some blocks that might help:

Now run your code!

Teaching Tips:

Option #3 ANSWER for TEACHER

Here is the correct answer for teachers:


Here is a common mistake:

How should you let people know the temperature of the car?

Do you need to show the exact temperature or just tell people when the car is too hot?   

There are many correct ways to communicate the temperature! Try some of these out and see which ones you like best:


Option #1

Try to display a symbol with this Display block.  

You need to put 8 of them together to make a picture that takes up the whole screen.

Here’s how to make a happy face:


Option #2

Display a letter if the car is too hot



Option #3

Display the number

Try figuring out how to do this yourself.  Here are some blocks that may help you:

Teaching Tips:

Question 1: What was the coolest thing you learned today?  Write your answer in the box, and see it appear which your classmates' answers!
Any answer will do here.  If time permits, have a short discussion with students about their answers. 

Question 2: Check the concepts you understand.  Don’t worry, this isn’t for a grade, it’s just so your teacher can check the classes’ understanding.
This is the students' self-assessment of their understanding of the material.  You will see a bar graph once all the poll answers are submitted.

Question 3: In your own words, what is heat?
Students should paraphrase one of the definitions discussed in this lesson:

  • The degree of hotness or coldness of a thing.
  • A measure of the ability of a thing to transfer heat energy to another thing.
  • Any measure of this ability, like the Kelvin, Fahrenheit, or Celsius scale. 

Question 4: When you put a hot thing (like a heat pack) on the car, what happens to it?
The Temperature sensor on the car registers the change in heat. 

After everyone fills out the word cloud the teacher should read some of the answers aloud, and ask students for their thoughts.

What was the coolest thing you learned today? Type your answer only with one word.


Check the concepts you understand.  Don’t worry, this isn’t for a grade, it’s just so your teacher can check the classes’ understanding

  • Not at all
  • Not really
  • Kind of understood
  • Pretty much understood
  • Totally got it

Temperature Sensor
  • Not at all
  • Not really
  • Kind of understood
  • Pretty much understood
  • Totally got it

In your own words, what is heat?

When you put a hot thing (like a heat pack) on the car, what happens to it?